News > Fujian's first rural passenger, cargo and postal integration integrated intelligent station operation

Fujian's first rural passenger, cargo and postal integration integrated intelligent station operation

2024-05-06 09:34:48 Source:Fujian Daily News



   Recently, the province's first rural passenger and cargo postal integration unmanned integrated wisdom station in Nanping Jian'ou City, Xiaosong Town, Xiaosong Village official operation. Local villagers can enjoy convenient express pickup service 24 hours a day.

Fujian's first rural passenger, cargo and postal integration integrated intelligent station operation

   At 12:30 on the 11th, Mr. Lu, a villager, came to the passenger cargo post wisdom station. He opened Taobao, scanned the QR code posted at the door, clicked on "a key to light", the door lock of the station opened. Mr. Lu pushed the door into the station, the door will automatically lock, through the cell phone shows the color of the light, to find the corresponding lights flashing buzzer, find their own parcels on the shelves, and then take off the parcel on the buzzer into the light bar recycling box, completed the pickup.

   "In the past to pick up, if the person in charge of the site is not in, can only run in vain. Now, when you want to pick up when you want to come, fast and convenient." Mr. Lu said.

   According to the person in charge of the passenger and cargo post intelligent post, the post has covered the collection of express parcels such as Zhongtong, Yuantong, Shentong, Yunda, etc. Villagers do not have to pay any fees to pick up packages. "In order to prevent the loss of parcels, the background installed cloud monitoring, can see the situation in the station in real time. Once an abnormal situation is encountered, it can be dealt with immediately."

   In addition, in response to the demand for residents to pick up parcels on behalf of the long-term pick-up can be tied to the cell phone number of friends and relatives, short-term pick-up directly enter the pick-up code, according to the same process can be quickly picked up. Currently, in order to better help villagers adapt to the new way of picking up, the site also has a manual guide to help the transition.

   "Passenger and cargo post wisdom stage pilot is the city to explore the integration of rural passenger and cargo post development of a new path. The use of technology to empower the end, the courier to achieve their own storage, customers can self-service pickup, greatly reducing the site operating costs, than the traditional stagecoach station annual cost savings of nearly 62%." Nanping City, the relevant person in charge of the transportation department said. The next step, Nanping City will be based on the operation of the station in the city to promote the conditions of the village end of the service point for the replacement and upgrading, and further promote the end of the cost reduction and efficiency of the end of the delivery of mail delivery.
