News > Sichuan Multimodal Transportation High-Quality Development Site Meeting and Launch of Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu Multimodal Transportation Intelligent Service Platform on Line

Sichuan Multimodal Transportation High-Quality Development Site Meeting and Launch of Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu Multimodal Transportation Intelligent Service Platform on Line

2024-05-06 10:13:47 Source:Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation



   A few days ago, the Sichuan Province multimodal transportation high-quality development site meeting and Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu multimodal transportation wisdom service platform online launch ceremony was held in Guangyuan. Department of Transportation party group members, deputy director of Ning Jian attended the meeting and pointed out that we should seriously study and implement the spirit of the twentieth CPC National Congress and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for the development of transportation, further enhance the sense of responsibility, sense of mission and sense of urgency, and further open up new innovations, overcome difficulties, and hand in hand to create a new situation for the development of multimodal transport in our province, strive to accelerate the construction of a strong transportation province, and strive to be a good Chinese-style modernization of the Pioneer.

Sichuan Multimodal Transportation High-Quality Development Site Meeting and Launch of Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu Multimodal Transportation Intelligent Service Platform on Line

   Civil Aviation Sichuan Supervision Bureau Deputy Director Yang Zehui, Chengdu Railway Supervision Bureau Deputy Director Wei Enhui attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Chen Zhengyong, Standing Committee Member of Guangyuan Municipal Committee, Minister of United Front Work Department and Chairman of Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and Wu Ronghua, Vice Mayor of Municipal Government, delivered speeches at the meeting. Department of Commerce party group members, Sichuan Free Trade Office full-time deputy director Wu Gege, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the provincial port investment group, director Chen Ri, as well as the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the provincial government port logistics office, the Sichuan Postal Administration, the relevant comrades in charge of attending the meeting. 

   Ning strong tone, to fully understand the development of multimodal transport of great significance, the development of multimodal transport is to promote the deep integration of modes of transport, the construction of a modern comprehensive transport system is a fundamental initiative; is to promote the intensive use of resources, to achieve the objective requirements of the green and low-carbon development of transport; is to deepen the supply-side structural reform, and to promote the logistics industry to reduce the cost and improve the quality of the effective way to increase efficiency. To accurately grasp the new situation facing the development of multimodal transport new requirements, seize the development opportunities, accurate knowledge of change, take the initiative to respond to change, innovation and change, in-depth promotion of the transformation of the development mode, to efficiency change, power change to promote quality change, and promote the high-quality development of multimodal transportation.

   Ning strong tone, to seize the development of multimodal transportation "five a" key points: one is to use a good mechanism, the use of logistics to ensure smooth working mechanism, strengthen the departmental work coordination, timely research to solve the constraints on the development of multimodal transportation system, policy and technology and other issues, and to encourage the local community to learn from the establishment of Guangyuan City, the experience of the modern logistics industry task force, the institutional and institutional breakthroughs. Encourage localities to learn from the experience of Guangyuan City in establishing a special class for modern logistics industry and seek breakthroughs in the system and mechanism. Second, build a strong group of subjects, attach great importance to the cultivation of multimodal transport market players, actively guide and encourage traditional freight logistics enterprises to accelerate the transformation and development of multimodal transport operators, and encourage enterprises of different modes of transport to set up multimodal transport specialized operating bodies. Third, to build a good platform, strengthen the multimodal transportation inter-departmental, inter-enterprise information interoperability, business synergy, resource sharing, construction of regional multimodal transportation information platform, and promote the province's multimodal transportation information exchange and sharing. Fourth, reserve a number of projects. Establish a multimodal transport project reserve, strengthen project dynamic tracking, operation monitoring, statistical analysis, regular summary assessment. Fifth, the introduction of a set of policies to encourage local integration of their own development of the actual introduction of complementary policies to increase land, fiscal and tax, investment and other policy support.

   Chen Zhengyong pointed out in his speech that in recent years, the CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the construction of an efficient and smooth circulation system and reduce the cost of logistics throughout the community, Guangyuan, because of the situation and seek, follow the trend, vigorously implement the "1345" development strategy, adhere to the multimodal transport as the main focus, focus on promoting the high-quality development of the modern logistics industry, the development of the The development has the foundation, conditions, advantages and momentum. Guangyuan hosted the meeting, fully embodies the provincial government, provincial departments and units, brother cities and states, as well as Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu neighboring cities and states to Guangyuan's great trust and support, for the development of Guangyuan brings significant opportunities. Guangyuan will take this meeting as a new starting point, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on adjusting the transportation structure, fully implement the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the provincial party committee and the provincial government's various decisions and deployments, and fully study and learn from the advanced experience of various places, units and enterprises (associations), and strive to adjust and optimize the transportation structure, accelerate the development of multimodal transport, and solidly promote the high-quality development of the modern logistics industry, Effectively reduce the social cost of logistics to show a new role, open up new horizons, and accelerate the construction of the national regional logistics hub economic demonstration area.

   The meeting informed the development of multimodal transportation in the province, and arranged the deployment of multimodal transportation key work in 2024. The meeting proposed that the province's multimodal transport development momentum is good, the results of the work is obvious, but there is still a network system is not perfect, the level of transportation synergy is still not high, the level of technology and equipment needs to be improved and other issues, the next step to focus on strengthening the comprehensive freight hub and the construction of the collection and distribution system, and actively cultivate the multimodal transport operators to do a good job of cultivating the demonstration of multimodal transport projects. 
