News > New energy heavy truck market data authenticity attracts attention Sany Heavy Truck Chairman Liang Linhe calls for industry self-discipline

New energy heavy truck market data authenticity attracts attention Sany Heavy Truck Chairman Liang Linhe calls for industry self-discipline

2024-07-25 17:20:30



   In the first half of 2024, the new energy heavy truck market became a major highlight in the heavy truck field. However, recently, Sany Heavy Truck Chairman Liang Linhe voiced his opinion through a web video, expressing doubts about the upper risk data of the new energy heavy truck market in the first half of the year, and calling on the industry to work together to maintain the order of the market, in order to promote the steady forward movement of the new energy heavy truck industry.

New energy heavy truck market data authenticity attracts attention Sany Heavy Truck Chairman Liang Linhe calls for industry self-discipline

  Heavy truck transformation accelerates

   According to the public insurance data, in the first half of 2024, the sales of new energy heavy trucks increased significantly by 139% year-on-year, and the single-month sales in June exceeded the record high, close to 7,000 units, with a penetration rate of 14.8%. Among them, the new energy tractor market performance is particularly eye-catching, penetration rate as high as 17.3%.

   From the first half of the cumulative sales data ranking, XCMG heavy trucks, Sany heavy trucks occupy the first and second industry, XCMG heavy trucks cumulative sales of only 160 units more than Sany heavy trucks, the two together occupy more than 35% of the market share of the industry. In contrast, the traditional heavy truck "five giants" liberation, Dongfeng, SAIC, Shaanxi Automobile and Foton, is divided into sixth, seventh, third, fourth and eighth.

   The intensive introduction of policies for the new energy heavy truck market provides a strong driving force. The release of documents such as the 2024-2025 Action Program for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction and the Announcement on Adjustment of Technical Requirements for Energy-saving New Energy Vehicle Products Enjoying Vehicle and Vessel Tax Benefits have further clarified the direction of new energy vehicles and accelerated the green transformation of the commercial vehicle and heavy truck industries in particular.

   In addition, a series of preferential policies, such as right of way, capital subsidies, purchase tax exemption, highway toll exemption, etc., have also greatly stimulated market demand for new energy heavy trucks.

   At the same time, the new energy heavy truck technology is constantly iterating and updating, and developing in the direction of diversification. In the pure electric heavy trucks still dominate the market at the same time, hydrogen fuel cell heavy trucks in the national policy support also showed rapid development trend, hybrid heavy truck technology and program further enrichment, the market is in the acceptance period.

  Hidden Worries Behind Prosperity

   Against the backdrop of policy promotion, continuous technological advancement, and steady growth in sales figures and penetration rate, the new energy heavy truck market is showing a booming trend. However, Liang Linhe, chairman of Sany Heavy Truck, pointed out that there is water in the new energy heavy truck insurance data of some enterprises in the market.

   Liang Linhe said: "According to our grasp of the actual operation data of the Beidou system, compared with the currently announced vehicle insurance data, there is a large gap, some companies in order to sprint half-year results, there will be unsold inventory of cars early licensing, and even use the certificate of conformity or invoice in advance to buy insurance and other fraudulent behavior. These behaviors not only distort the real situation of the market, but also harm the healthy development of the industry."

   In the field of commercial vehicles, the new energy transformation of the heavy truck industry is advancing late, mainly because its early commercial profit model is not yet clear, and cannot bring more attractive economic value to the user side and manufacturing side. Secondly, long-distance logistics scenarios, pure electric heavy trucks have many limitations, such as range, charging time, battery weight and other issues, making it difficult to replace traditional fuel heavy trucks.

   Liang Linhe said bluntly, "The phenomenon of watering down the insurance data is not a new thing in the automobile circle, behind which is actually the enterprise's anxiety, which is ultimately the lack of confidence in its own strength."

   Currently, the new energy heavy truck market is ushering in a period of accelerated development. As a key indicator for assessing the performance of the new energy heavy truck market, the authenticity and accuracy of the insurance data is crucial to the decision-making of investors, consumers and policy makers.

   Liang Linhe's words not only revealed the hidden worries of the new energy heavy truck market development status, but also triggered the industry to build a more fair and transparent market evaluation system of in-depth thinking.

   Prior to this, the innovation of electric heavy truck operation mode has caused extensive discussion. Part of the electric heavy truck manufacturers through the establishment of third-party operating companies, the use of leasing operations, rent to sell and other ways to promote market applications. Although this model has promoted the popularization of electric heavy trucks to a certain extent, the existence of "self-selling and self-buying" leads to the phenomenon of sales data distortion, as well as how to accurately define the real sales and the number of vehicles in operation, need to be explored in depth and clarified.

   In the face of the rapid development of the market and the transition period of the various issues, Liang Linhe called: "hope that all friends, together to maintain the market order of new energy heavy trucks, improve our common technical capabilities, and promote new energy heavy truck industry to achieve common development!
