News > The two departments issued a program to promote the realization of efficient start-up of road freight transport enterprises "one thing" government services

The two departments issued a program to promote the realization of efficient start-up of road freight transport enterprises "one thing" government services

2024-05-06 10:21:22 Source:PRC Ministry of Transport (MOT)



   In order to implement the "State Council on further optimizing government services to enhance administrative efficiency to promote" efficiently do a thing "guidance", recently, the Ministry of Transport, the General Administration of Market Supervision jointly formulated and issued the "efficiently do a thing to promote the efficient start-up of road freight transport enterprise implementation plan" (hereinafter referred to as "implementation plan"), on the Accelerate the implementation of efficient start-up of road freight enterprises "one thing" government services for deployment.

The two departments issued a program to promote the realization of efficient start-up of road freight transport enterprises

   The "Implementation Plan" requires that localities optimize the administrative service process involved in starting a road freight transport enterprise, strengthen business synergy and data sharing, open the business acceptance module online to realize the "entire network, one network"; set up a special window offline to realize the "one-window acceptance, time-limited closing "to form an online and offline integration of government services mode, and promote the realization of the establishment of road freight transport enterprises "one thing" of the diversified ways of doing things, the optimization of the business process, the simplification of business materials, the minimization of the cost of doing things, to maximize the benefit of the enterprises and the convenience of the people, and to comprehensively enhance the sense of accessibility of the people, the satisfaction of the masses. The Government will also minimize the cost of doing business, maximize the convenience of enterprises and the convenience of the people, and comprehensively enhance the people's sense of gain and satisfaction.
