News > In just four months, the country's express business volume exceeded 50 billion this year

In just four months, the country's express business volume exceeded 50 billion this year

2024-05-06 10:25:26 Source:State Post Bureau (PRC)



   National Post Bureau monitoring data show that as of April 29, this year China's express delivery business volume has reached 50 billion pieces, 32 days earlier than 2023, further highlighting the surging vitality and strong momentum of the express delivery industry, reflecting China's economy is the continuation of the restorative growth, rebound to the good trend.

In just four months, the country's express business volume exceeded 50 billion this year

   Express industry to seize the opportunity for development, and constantly improve the quality of service, optimize and enrich the service scene, and further meet the people's rigid consumer demand. From the sweet fruits of Lingnan, to the East China Sea seafood feast, and then to the Jiangnan spring tea, with the deepening of the rural courier logistics system, the characteristics of agricultural products around the express express train, directly to thousands of households. As an important channel for agricultural products on the line, the express delivery industry in reducing the cost of circulation of agricultural products, enhance the efficiency of agricultural product circulation plays an increasingly important role. Currently, there are more than 100 million pieces of express parcels per day in the flow of rural areas, to serve production, promote consumption, connect urban and rural areas, smooth circulation to provide strong support. Express enterprises to take the initiative to adapt to the agricultural products, "more goods, quality and fresh, large" characteristics, and constantly innovate collection mode, increase the cold chain investment, optimize the transport path, extend the service chain, enhance the level of service capacity in rural areas, and promote the large-scale development of agricultural products delivery business.

   Do not leave home can also taste Gansu Tianshui spicy hot, the fastest 48 hours to receive the Xinjiang Gashi prunes. Express industry in the scale continues to grow at the same time, continue to expand the service network, regional development structure is more balanced, in the central and western regions of the accelerated growth of business volume, to drive the development of the industry has become an important force. The State Post Bureau at the beginning of the year to continue to optimize the delivery of e-commerce express delivery service to some regions, to guide the main express delivery enterprises to optimize the mode of operation, to promote e-commerce platforms to improve the sales method, to achieve the express delivery enterprises "must be sent" target. In Xinjiang, for example, express delivery enterprises to adjust the way to build packages, to explore the express into the territory of the collection and transportation warehouse mode, and in Urumqi, Aksu and other places to build transit hubs, the realization of the transportation, sorting, delivery and other aspects of the integration of resources, e-commerce express delivery service has been significantly improved. Data show that this year, with the express delivery enterprises joint e-commerce platform in the Xinjiang region to gradually pilot the implementation of service enhancement program, the average daily delivery in Xinjiang increased by nearly one million pieces, to promote Xinjiang agricultural products within the acquisition, sales outside the territory of the "two nets" play a positive role in the construction.

   It is worth mentioning that this year, the express delivery industry has also continued to cultivate the development of new productivity of new momentum to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, large-scale distribution centers to speed up the intelligent transformation, unmanned warehouses, unmanned vehicles, drones and other rapid application of the industry's informatization, the level of intelligence continues to improve the efficiency of transportation, service quality has been continuously improved.
