Light Duty Commercial Vehicles > Six Years of Sword Sharpening Ollin Yutu III Leads China's Light Trucks into a New Era of Automatic Gearboxes

Six Years of Sword Sharpening Ollin Yutu III Leads China's Light Trucks into a New Era of Automatic Gearboxes

2024-05-07 15:19:27 Source:Ollin



  Relevant data show that the penetration rate of automatic transmission in commercial vehicle market in developed countries such as Europe and the United States has reached more than 90%, while the proportion of automatic transmission in China's commercial vehicles is relatively low. In recent years, with the pursuit of driving comfort by the majority of practitioners, automatic gearbox has become the new favorite of China's commercial vehicle market, and the popularity rate is increasing year by year, and is about to usher in a big outbreak of market wind. As a leading brand of light trucks in China, Foton Ollin has accurately grasped this market opportunity and occupied the first position, becoming the pioneer and leader of automatic light trucks in China by virtue of its continuous deep plowing in the field of automatic transmission technology.

Six Years of Sword Sharpening  Ollin Yutu III Leads China's Light Trucks into a New Era of Automatic Gearboxes

  Drawing on the Successful Experience of Heavy Trucks, Ollin Pushes the Change of Automatic Gearbox for Light Trucks in China

   Thanks to Foton's forward-looking strategic vision, as early as 2017, Foton started to lay out the industrialization of automatic transmission landing, after five years of precipitation, under the boost of Foton heavy trucks, the automatic transmission penetration rate of domestic heavy trucks exceeded 20%, and maintained the first sales volume for five consecutive years.

   The success of automatic heavy-duty trucks has made Foton firmly believe in promoting the change of Chinese commercial vehicles, and has determined the strategy of fully introducing all automatic products. As the main body of Foton's light truck business, AOL will apply Foton's mature and advanced automatic transmission technology to the light truck market, and the most representative product is AOL Jade Rabbit III. With the advantages of leading automatic transmission technology and reliable product quality, Ollin Jade Rabbit Ⅲ quickly triggered the market of light trucks, which was sold continuously and widely favored by young consumers. The success of this product not only allows Ollin to firmly grasp the first-mover advantage, but also establishes a new benchmark for automatic gearboxes in Chinese light trucks, which greatly promotes new changes in the light truck industry.

  Three iterations in 6 years, Ollin automatic products are more reliable and fuel-efficient.

   In recent years, many automatic light truck products have appeared in the domestic market, and when major light truck manufacturers are still launching their own first-generation products, Foton Auzu's automatic products have gone through three iterations of upgrades. From 2018, the first generation of Ollin automatic products on the market, successfully realized the Chinese light truck market to the breakthrough from 0 to 1; to the second generation of automatic light truck Ollin Jade Rabbit Ⅱ, successfully opened up the market for female truckers and novice "white" users; to the new generation of automatic light truck Ollin Jade Rabbit Ⅲ, which is now a great success. Ollin has accurately stepped on the key nodes in the development of automatic light trucks, and continues to lead the change of automatic light trucks in China.

   What is the unique secret that makes Ollin automatic transmission products outperform other competitors in the same class? The answer lies in "more reliable", "more fuel-efficient" and "more comfortable".

   The confidence of being more reliable comes from Ollin's 50 million kilometers of user verification, more than 3 million kilometers of vehicle reliability, durability test and three high, mountainous and other extreme road conditions test, which fully proves that Ollin's automatic transmission products are more mature and more reliable characteristics.

   More fuel-efficient is because Ollin Ⅲ is equipped with an automatic transmission based on the century-old ZF body research and development, and adopts the intelligent control module to cooperate with the engine, transmission and braking system, which always allows the vehicle to run at a reasonable speed, and ultimately realizes the effective fuel-saving. Not only that, this AMT transmission also adopts electronically-controlled hydraulic control system, matched with Marelli gearshift mechanism, which takes only 0.04s to shift gears, making gearshift silky smooth and easy to drive. Meanwhile, it is equipped with Oukang 4F25/Fukang F2.5 engine, which realizes the integrated calibration, so that the transmission efficiency can reach up to 99.7%, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of the whole vehicle has been reduced by 10%, and about 2L of fuel can be saved for every 100 kilometers.

   These fuel-saving data are not concepts on paper, but the results of real tests in the mountainous areas of Yunnan and Zhengzhou, etc. In the presence of authoritative media and real users, Ollin Yutu Ⅲ has reversed the stereotypical impression of users that automatic light trucks are expensive with a fuel consumption of 12.2L/100km.

   Not only that, in terms of vehicle comfort, Ollin Yutu III is the "ceiling" of its class, with a cab width of 2060mm, even if three adults are driving at the same time, they will not feel crowded at all. And also equipped with light trucks in the rare airbag shock absorption seat, truckers boring transportation road also become a kind of enjoyment.

   China's light truck market has entered the era of automatic transmission, which is in line with the inevitable development of the market. As a leading brand of light trucks in China, Ollin shoulders the important responsibility of leading the popularization of automatic light trucks. It is believed that with the continuous deep plowing in light trucks and the leading core technology, Ollin will be able to lead the innovation and change of automatic light trucks in China, and continue to bring more and better quality products to users.
