Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles > FAW Jiefang Program Cracking the “Five Major Problems“ of Freight Transportation!

FAW Jiefang Program Cracking the “Five Major Problems“ of Freight Transportation!

2024-05-14 10:49:15 Source:yunshuren.com



   Nowadays, transporters are facing many challenges and difficulties in their daily life and work, "it is difficult to use the car, repair the car, manage the car, find the goods, safety and security", which are the pain of the truck driver group.

FAW Jiefang Program Cracking the “Five Major Problems“ of Freight Transportation!

   In this year's Hefei "5.2 Cardmember Festival" truck drivers' rights and interests protection development conference, Ji Shengshi, secretary of the Party committee and general manager of FAW Jiefang marketing headquarters, put forward the "Jiefang program" to protect the rights and interests of truck drivers. With the help of the concept of "disease, medicine, effect and support", he elaborated on the industry's "breakthrough" way to help transportation people break the "predicament", and directly hit the "five major pain points" in the operation of vehicles. The "five pain points" in vehicle operation.

  1、Crack the "difficult to use the car"

   At present, the high cost of transportation compressed profit margins, affecting the sustainable development of the industry, we are eager to find a more effective solution between cost and profit. In the "oil to gas" opportunity period, the liberation focus on the introduction of "high-horsepower" gas new products, to meet the needs of the whole scene of the transportation people. Jiefang 6SX1 engine, 100 kilometers of gas consumption is lower than other brands 2 kg, if the annual operation of 200,000 kilometers is estimated, it can help the transporter to increase revenue of about 20,000 yuan per year.

   In addition, in response to high oil prices, FAW Jiefang joined hands with China National Petroleum Corporation to launch the "You Fuel Card", which has been implemented in Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Sichuan, Zhejiang and other provinces, with a discount rate of about 1%-2%, to reduce the pressure of costs for the transporters.

   Jiefang also developed "fuel consumption management" system, using big data algorithms, from the throttle control, idling time and other dimensions to analyze individual driving behavior, accurate monitoring of fuel consumption, and provide fuel-saving suggestions to help transporters cope with the problem of high fuel consumption. The system currently covers 340,000 Jiefang users, and the annual use of the "driving behavior analysis function" on the Jiefang line App reaches 9.8 million times, with an average of 100 kilometers to help users save about 0.5 liters of fuel, and per capita annual savings of more than 6,000 yuan of fuel costs.

  2. Cracking the "difficult to repair the car".

   The transporter said, "The original spare parts are expensive!" Jiefang developed affordable and high quality TQC repair parts. PLA TQC repair parts cover more than 2,000 kinds of products, and the price of spare parts is more than 30% lower than that of original parts, which is cost-effective and effectively reduces the operation cost of the whole life cycle of users.

   Transporters reflect: "The price is not transparent!" Jiefang announced the price of maintenance projects in the APP terminal of "Jiefang line", and the maintenance projects are priced uniformly across the country, and the general maintenance cost is reduced by 20%, and the number of maintenance projects announced is continuously increased.

   Transporters said, "It's inconvenient to enter the station!" Jiefang shorten the service radius, provide free door-to-door service. 2000 service stations can provide free door-to-door repair, door-to-door maintenance, door-to-door power service. In the future, Jiefang's service radius will be shortened by 15%-20%.

   If the vehicle breaks down and it is inconvenient to enter the station for maintenance, users can also choose the "remote intelligent diagnosis and repair" and "remote DPF regeneration" services. It can diagnose more than 3,000 kinds of common faults, including water temperature status, DPF carbon load, limit torque status, oil pressure and so on. Up to now, the total number of access users in China has exceeded 210,000, and the remote service has been successfully realized for 330,000 times, saving an average of 300 yuan for the transporters.

   In addition to the above rights and interests, Jiefang also provides "free night rescue service", "stopping compensation" and "substitute car service", which is a series of initiatives not only solves the users' "difficult to repair", but also provides them with the following services This series of initiatives not only solves the user's pain point of "difficult to repair", but also injects a new connotation for Jiefang's "touching service", which further improves customer satisfaction and strengthens the brand image.

  3、Cracking the "difficult to manage the car"

   The problem of "difficult to manage vehicles" includes cash and bill management, as well as driver and financial management. The "ecological" value-added service constructed by FAW Jiefang has become the key to crack such problems.

   At present, Jiefang has a variety of ETC products, including Shanko Lutong Card, Yue Tong Card, Zhe Tong Card, etc. to meet the diversified needs of users in different regions, and ETC binds the bank card for automatic deduction, easily realizes on-line bill management, and has the function of avoiding pulling the blackout for overdue payment, which is suitable for logistics parks, high-speed intersections, DMVs, and other commercial vehicle use scenarios. More than 100,000 trucks nationwide have activated the use of Jiefang ETC, with daily tolls exceeding 40 million yuan, and the monthly activity of users exceeding 85%.

   Jiefang's Fleet Management System applies digitalization to fleet management to help fleets realize "management of vehicles, people and money". At present, the system serves more than 1,200 fleets, manages 30,000 vehicles, improves the driving behavior of thousands of drivers, reduces the fleet accident rate by an average of 11%, and reduces fleet labor costs by 15%.

  4、Cracking the "difficult to find goods".

   In response to the pain point of "difficult to find goods", "Jiefang line" App launched a one-stop "find goods service". Which brings together a number of platform sources, through the industry-leading vehicle matching algorithms, so that the first-hand sources of goods directly to the transporter, all sources of goods free of charge, the source of real security, to achieve "good car to find good goods, good goods to find a good car".

   Currently, the platform cumulative source of 2.82 million votes, the daily new source of 13,000 votes, the average daily turnover of 28,000 orders, the total amount of freight over 54 million yuan. Shandong user Zou master use it, in a month, 10 single transaction, freight income of nearly 28,000 yuan. In the future, this feature will be open to all transporters for free!

  5、Cracking the "safety and security difficulties"

   Truck drivers driving around the country, mobility, the safety and security challenges they face are multifaceted. There are road safety risks caused by fatigue driving; there are also accidents and difficulties, the economic burden brought about by insufficient insurance coverage; there are also disputes, weak sense of rights. In this regard, the liberation of a multi-pronged approach to protect the rights and interests of transporters.

   In terms of transportation safety, "Safety Butler Insurance" allows users to enjoy 7×24 hours of safe operation services. In terms of life security, Jiefang takes the lead in caring for truck drivers and puts into practice the solution to the urgent problems and worries of transporters. Since the release of "liberation love navigation", the cumulative investment of more than 12 million yuan, to help the object of more than 3600 people, help footprint throughout the country 28 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and not limited to the brand, for the whole industry truck drivers to carry out, which is not the liberation of the ratio of more than 30% of the transport people.

   In addition, Jiefang has set up "legal aid" service for truck drivers. The professional lawyer team provides free consultation, collection of materials, and other full-process services to help truck drivers defend their legitimate rights and interests with legal weapons. Up to now, the "legal aid service" has helped more than 100 transporters to solve disputes and controversies related to cargo transportation, and assisted in recovering more than 300,000 yuan.

   It is by virtue of technology leadership, product leadership, service leadership, FAW Jiefang has become the most solid backing for thousands of transporters, and has also made users' trust in Jiefang consistent! Achievement of the enterprise and the user between the "two-way run to".

   In the future, Jiefang is willing to work with the majority of transporters, industry partners, ecological partners, in the co-creation, sharing, win-win road hand in hand, aiming to make the transportation process become an easy and free journey, so that truck drivers become a desirable occupation.
